Execution time: from 3 days
Make an order
Documents for an individual: Documents proving your identity, The original of the document on which you need to affix the Apostille
Please note:

A notary may affix an Apostille only to documents issued by the Civil Status Registration Offices (birth, marriage, death certificates), court documents, or notarial documents. Documents issued by other authorities, organizations or drawn up by an individual may be apostilled by a notary only through Affidavit registration.

Ukrainians often travel abroad not only for recreation, but also for work, business, and study. When addressing personal or professional matters in another country, a person needs properly prepared documents. In order to submit papers to official institutions, it is necessary to make them valid.

Most countries have signed the Hague Convention, which facilitates the legalization of documents. Due to this, affixing an Apostille is enough to submit official papers.

What is an Apostille?

Apostille is a stamp placed by the competent authorities. This stamp certifies the signatures and credentials of the officials who issued the document. Apostillation makes certificates and other documents valid in other countries. Having received the appropriate stamp, a person does not have to turn to the consulate for additional certification.

Where to get an Apostille for documents in Ukraine?

Until 2020, a simplified legalization procedure (apostillation) could be undergone only in 3 government agencies:

  1. Ministry of Science and Education (diplomas, certificates of secondary education, and other certificates and documents);
  2. Ministry of Justice (notarial, justice authorities and court documents);
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (health certificates, tax statements, certificates of good conduct, documents issued by archives).

Since March 7, 2020, the procedure for affixing an Apostille has changed. Under the current law, a notary public is allowed to affix a stamp to a number of documents. The order provides for the public and private specialists to carry out this procedure.

Apostille for notarial documents

On March 7, an order of the Ministry of Justice became effective, which facilitates and expedites apostillation for Ukrainians. According to the decree of the executive agency, a notary can now affix an Apostille to your documents.

Currently, the notaries public can issue:
  • Apostille for notarial documents;
  • Apostille for documents issued by Civil Status Registration Office (birth, marriage, death certificates);
  • Apostille for court documents.

Please note that the notary does not affix an Apostille to documents from the Police, Pension Fund, Tax Office, and the Ministry of Education. The stamp on these documents is still placed by the relevant ministries.


How to affix an Apostille to a document?

Currently, the notaries have the authority to affix an apostille to documents issued by Civil Status Registration Offices, a court or a notary.

What documents require an Apostille?

Apostille in Ukraine is placed on birth and marriage certificates, educational documents, diplomas, certificates, notarial documents, court decisions, certificates of good conduct and others. Nonetheless, several authorities have the authority to affix an Apostille, and this depends on the issuing authority of the document to be apostilled.

Where can I get my documents apostilled?

There are several authorized bodies that are engaged in affixing an apostille to a document, and it depends on the issuing authority of the document which authority is going to affix an Apostille. For example, notaries are authorized to affix an Apostille to documents issued by Civil Status Registration Offices, courts and notarial documents.

How long is apostillation valid?

There is no limitation on the validity period of the Apostille as such; it has legal force just as long as the document on which it is affixed is valid. However, different organizations of the signatories to a Convention can put forward their own requirements. We recommend that you clarify the details of paperwork before affixing the Apostille stamp.





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